The mission of RecycleForce Columbus was to strengthen counties communities by helping employers build a better workforce. RecycleForce Columbus was a program managed by an Ohio registered non-profit Sustainable Business Ventures Ohio, which is a division of Sustainable Business Ventures (SBV), a 501(c)(3) organization. The mission is: “Providing a pathway for formerly incarcerated men and women to successfully re-integrate into the workforce and become responsible, tax-paying, productive community members & citizens through comprehensive environmentally sound and secure end-of-life electronics processing.” Here is a very inspiring video - click here.
RecycleForce Indy submitted an application in the summer of 2012 for funding to the U.S. Health & Human Services Community Economic Development Grant with SBV as a partner. The grant was approved and the funding heped lauch RecycleForce Columbus. For this particular initiative named Remaking Our Resources – Expanding the Reach, the goal is to create 40 new jobs in the high growth electronics recycling industry – 30 in Indianapolis and 10 in Columbus, Ohio – that will be filled predominantly by low-income formerly incarcerated individuals, many of whom are non-custodial parents and most of whom are unemployable in the private sector due to lack of education and work experience coupled with one or more felony convictions. These jobs provide not just employment and benefits, but career progression opportunities within the growing recycling and related industries in Indianapolis, Indiana, and Columbus, Ohio. RecycleForce Columbus addressed the economic needs and business opportunities in areas of high unemployment and high poverty, which are also typically areas of high criminal activity and home to a disproportionate number of ex-offenders. Franklin County has highest number of persons returning from prison in the State.
RecycleForce Columbus recruited low-income and virtually unemployable individuals to fill positions and provided support to help those individuals not only successfully hold those jobs but, as appropriate, move on to better paying jobs (often in skilled trades), while simultaneously helping them re-connect with family obligations. RecycleForce Columbus ensures that the businesses and jobs created remain viable in the community because they are in high growth green industries that fulfill a unique need in the green economy. In short, RecycleForce provides: 1) needed business creation for the green economy; 2) sustained employment with career progression opportunities in low-income communities which contributes to community revitalization; 3) help companies and organizations accomplish their Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Goals; and 4) encourage other green businesses to locate in the community and work with RecycleForce Columbus. Operations closed on February 29. 2015.
donated her old printer and computers
Video Testimonial - click here
Media Coverage of RecycleForce Columbus
Ron Skaggs - RecycleForce Indianapolis - December 2013 - click here
Earth Day 2013 - Channel 6 - click here
Earth Day 2013 - WBNS-TV10 - click here