Bluegrass Green Entrepreneur Training Program
The Bluegrass Green Entrepreneur Training Program provided entrepreneurial training, work experience and assistance in writing business plans for economically disadvantaged Participants, ages 18-24. The program lasts eight weeks and participants will be paid $7.25 per hour for 30 hours per week. We are recruiting economically disadvantaged Participants that meet the qualifications and income requirements outlined below.
Kentucky Student Ventures Corporation (now Sustainable Business Ventures), a non-profit organization, managed this eight-week project. KSVC offered opportunities for to learn about “green” initiatives, how to start and run a low-cost, low-risk small business, and to develop a business plan for a “green” business or a business that utilizes sustainable “green” business practices. KSVC educates, trains and mentors high school and college-age students in order to encourage entrepreneurial skills necessary to create and operate successful student-run small businesses.
Employers were recruited to provide work experiences to Participants for three 6-hours days per week for six weeks of the project. The Participants were paid $7.25 per hour (with workers’ compensation insurance) by Bluegrass Area Development District. We asked employers to provide Participants with varying experiences in order to help them understand the breadth of running a business — and introduced participants to human resources, accounting, sales and marketing, production and more.
The eight-week program combined classroom training with actual work experience. During the first two weeks, participants will remained in a classroom setting and begin the Basic Entrepreneur Boot Camp (details below). The program included a six-hour Environmental Literacy Class conducted by Bluegrass Pride; one additional day of Basic Computer Training included instruction on word processing, spreadsheets, presentations and QuickBooks. Participants were loaned a refurbished Pentium computer (which they took home to use during the the eight week program). Participants that successfully completed the program, they got to keep the computer plus a color printer donated by Lexmark and distributed by ConnectKentucky. During the third through seventh weeks, participants spent two days per week of training and three days per week of work experience. During the eighth and final week, participants will finalize their business plans and personal portfolios (documenting their experiences) and complete their resumes.
What is Green?
Examples of “green” include recycling, energy conservation, rain barrels, green energy auditing, compost bins, making jewelry, selling items on eBay, conservation, weatherization and more. Another example would be a cleaning business that uses environmentally-friendly cleaning products or a catering business that buys organic products locally.
Basic Entrepreneur Boot Camp (10 days) introduced participants to principles and processes associated with successful entrepreneurial performance, and to the fundamental business concepts that affect business decision-making. We will also introduce Participants to economic principles and concepts that are fundamental to entrepreneurship and small business ownership, personal money management and strategies needed for career exploration. Guest entrepreneurs shared their experiences about how to determine and satisfy customer needs/wants/expectations, meet business goals/objectives, and create new product/services ideas.
Participants applied concepts, strategies and systems that businesses implement and enforce in order to minimize loss through the actual sales of products and services. They applied math and financial skills, improve their technical literacy, develop critical-thinking and problem-solving skills, and work on a business plan. Instructors and Mentors discussed and reinforce the values of Positive Work Ethic, Workplace Diversity and Social Ethics and Responsibility. Intermediate Entrepreneur Boot Camp (10 days) included presentations by entrepreneurs including an ex[ert to introduce participants to eBay businesses and other online business opportunities; instruction will include business plan development and finance and accounting principles. Business Plan and Technical Assistance was provided for two days per week to make the business plans more presentable and viable. KSVC provided this program assistance with the goal to increase the number of new business start-ups. By moving beyond classroom teaching and providing real-world entrepreneurial experiences, this program offered learning opportunities that are more relevant to “green” businesses and help makes the connection between education, income and prospects for the future.
Lexington Herald – January 6, 2010 http://www.kentucky.com/news/business/article44019783.html
Clear Channel Radio InTouch with Traci James Interviews Bobby Clark & Kim Baker – Radio Interview
Lexington Herald Leader – Announces Green Entrepreneur Program – Article
WUKY/NPR Alan Lytle Interviews Bobby Clark – Radio Interview
WTVQ-TV Chris Dietz Interviews Bobby Clark – Jan 5 – Video Interview
WTVQ-TV Chris Dietz Interviews Bobby Clark & Kim Baker – May 19 – Video Interview
Buthan News Service – August 21, 2016 – http://www.bhutannewsservice.com/green-program-leaves-hope-for-youths-in-ky/
Particpant Feedback
"The Bluegrass Green Entrepreneur Program was important and interesting for the youth/students like us. In the period of eight weeks, I learned basic ideas for operating the green business. With no doubt, this program changed my mind towards greener environment and also focused my ideologies towards greener components. Green part is essential in our life. The tips given by all the speakers are really helpful in our life. If I hadn't participated in the program, I wouldn't have got this good job. Another important thing is that I met real entrepreneurs and also other folks which helped me widen the mind by collecting individual ideas. Thanks for the Founders for this program!" Tri Bikram Adhikari